NTC celebrates...the richness of all cultures, backgrounds​
and traditions - from every walk of life.
We believe that – with the right amount of buff and polish - everyone has the potential to shine as a nail technician – especially against the backdrop of the outstanding service we offer.
Our nail technician courses in London, Liverpool, Manchester and beyond all share the same level of expertise, offered by industry-honed professionals with years of experience.
It's time to cut to the chase: Have you chosen the colour you want?
Our FREE REFRESHER TRAINING – inviting any past student to re-attend part/all of the course they qualified from with absolutely no charge is the jewel in our nail art. We also encourage all students – past and present – to call or email us any day, any time, for ongoing support. (There’s LOADS more we want to tell you about this, but seeing as this is a highlights reel we’ll have to save it for later!)
Let’s start with the highlights – what makes us stand out like the brightest shade on a nail colour display:
Our range of nail courses are designed to suit every individual, providing the tips, tools and skills required to meet the challenges of an ever-changing, highly competitive job market – never more important than right now!
Our team of qualified trainers will ensure you benefit from the best-accredited courses the nail industry has to offer.
​We provide EVERYTHING you need – from start to finish. Yup, that means all kits, equipment and learning materials. All you need to bring is yourself, with completely bare, colour-free nails.
At NTC, we will put you first every single time. That’s a promise.